Author:           Tom Abraham


Source:           Mathematics: Modeling Our World, Course 1


Date:               Day 8


Class:              9th Grade Algebra


Duration:        1 hour


Goals:             Students will be able to:

·                    Decode messages using a simple shift cipher.

·                    Given a coded message, be able to represent the cipher as a function and a graph.


TEKS:             b.1 (C) The student describes functional relationships for given problem situations and writes equations or inequalities to answer questions arising from the situations.


                        b.1 (D) The student represents relationships among quantities using concrete models, tables, graphs, diagrams, verbal descriptions, equations, and inequalities.


                        b.2 (C) The student interprets situations in terms of given graphs or creates situations that fit given graphs.


                        b.3 (B) Given situations, the student looks for patterns and represents generalizations algebraically.


                        c.1 (A) The student determines whether or not given situations can be represented by linear functions.


c.1 (C) The student translates among and uses algebraic, tabular, graphical or verbal descriptions of linear functions.


c.3 (A) The student analyzes situations involving linear functions and formulates linear equations or inequalities to solve problems.


c.3 (C) For given contexts, the student interprets and determines the reasonableness of solutions to linear equations and inequalities.


c.4 (A) The student analyzes situations and formulates systems of linear equations to solve problems.











Begin by speaking Pig Latin to the students.  Ask them about their day, how classes are going, how they like school, did they have fun at the pep rally, the football game, etc.  Most students should already be familiar with Pig Latin.  Ask them to respond similarly.


“How were you able to understand what I was saying?  What is Pig Latin?  How do you translate back and forth from English to Pig Latin?”


“The reason you were able to understand me is because you knew the process involved in going form English to Pig Latin.  Describe that process in as much detail as you can.”


“This process is similar to being able to decode a message.  Coders and decoders go back and forth when coding and encoding a message.  They need to be able to understand each other, and so, both people know how the message was coded in order to be able to decode it.”














Students should explain that Pig Latin is when the first letter of a word is moved to the end of the word and the sound “ay” is added to it.  If the first letter of the word is a vowel, the vowel stays at the front of the word, but the “ay” sound is still added to the end of the word. (ex: “longhorn” becomes “onghornlay” and “eight” becomes “eightay”)














Someone come up to the board and draw in graphical form, what a shift +2 cipher looks like.  What does it look like as a function?


“Split up into groups of two.  I want each person to come up with a unique shift cipher and a coded message to decode.  Make sure that your cipher is expressed as a function, a graph, and a table.  Once each person has come up with their own ciphers, write a coded message using that cipher.”


“Exchange ciphers and messages and decode your partner’s message.  You will need either their function, graph, or table in order to do it.”



Students should explain that a shift cipher is one a letter or its numerical equivalent is replaced by another letter or number a few places down from it. 


A coded value of 0 or -2 is when the shift value subtracts passed ‘A’ or the value ‘1.’  Any value less than 1 or greater than 26 loops back around.  Hence, a value of 0 or -2 is actually a value of 26 and 24. 


A shift +30 cipher will actually just shift a letter 4 places to its right (30 - 26 = 4).


Students should say that a function expresses a relationship between two sets of values.


A variable is a symbol that can take the place of unknown values or numbers whose values can change.


A constant is a number whose value does not change.


What is a shift cipher?


What happens if your coded numerical value ends up being 0 or -2?  What about a value of 28?


What would happen if you had a shift +30 cipher?


What is a function?


What is a variable?


What is a constant?











Have students put example ciphers and coded messages on the board for the class to decipher.


“What is the process that you used to go from the coded form to the original form?”


“Reversing the encoding process is called decoding.  In math, when ever you reverse a process (or a function) you perform an inverse action.” 








Students should say that they took either coded numerical value, added or subtracted the cipher value, and then found the original letter from that value.



By subtracting, adding, dividing, and multiplying.














How would you reverse addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, respectively?











“Come up with a function that reverses the function y = x + 12.”



Students should write something in the form of y = x – 12 or x = y – 12.









Ask students the following questions:

  1. Construct a table of original letters, place values, coded values, and coded letters for a shift -12 cipher.


  1. Decipher this message using a shift +4 cipher. 


    1. Q E X L M W I Z I V C A M I V E.


    1. L S R H E W V Y P I