bad is bad water?
Name: Isaac Lim
Title of Lesson:
Date of Lesson:
Length of Lesson: 2-3 days
Description of Class:
Source of Lesson: Research methods activities
TEKS addressed:
The Lesson:
I. Overview: Research over the negative affects of chemicals
II. Performance or learner outcomes: Will gain insights of how normal everyday things can hurt water and hurt people.
III. Resources, materials and supplies needed: MSDS worksheets(found online), Computers with internet access, bottled water for the class, antifreeze, motor oil, food coloring (black and brown)
IV. Supplementary materials, handouts
Teacher Does |
Student Does |
Engage: Learning Experience: Get some bottled water for the students to drink. Talk about how cities draw water from surface and subsurface sources, but they need to clean the water. We who live in the city depend much on the people who treat the water we drink and use. Get a half empty bottle of water and fill it with motor oil and antifreeze. Ask if the students would drink something like this. Or Get an opaque pitcher and have water with black and brown food coloring to make it look dirty. Pour it out in a clear glass and I’ll drink it. Tell them that if you don’t want water like that, you’ll want to check your water quality. |
Hoped for student response: |
Questions: Would you drink the antifreeze/oil
water? What are other sources of
pollution? |
Expected Student
Response: |
Decision Point Assessment (DPA) –
Explore: Learning Experience(s): Have students either as individuals or pairs, research sources of pollution and common things that can get into runoff water. These things can usually be thought of from everyday life experiences, but can also be researched on the internet. Then after having a satisfying list of contaminants, look up the hazards of these chemicals from MSDS worksheets. Most of these will pertain to human maladies from the chemicals, but they can also look for ecological impacts. |
The students will probably take a couple of class periods to find all the information and organize it. |
Hoped for student response: |
Questions: |
Expected Student
Response: |
Explain: I will facilitate a student presentation. I will also need to make light of the fact that all these chemicals may end up in our reservoirs, but the city does do its best to clean the water. But putting more chemicals into the runoff makes it that much hard for the city to clean drinking water, not to mention the ecological damage that will occur. Some times, the city will do very little for ecological damages. Questions:
Hoped for student response: Each student or group will present one chemical to talk about in class. They need to include what the chemical is, where its commonly from, what its used for, and finally the effects that are seen in humans and the ecosystem. Expected Student
Response: |
Extend /
Elaborate: I can talk about the Exxon
oil spill in Alaska. We can discuss
the damage that was done and the efforts in clean up. Questions: |
Hoped for response: Expected Student
Response |