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Portrayal of History in Film

Selena Cruz, Blake Burton, Rusty Aki

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TITLE OF THE LESSON: Influential People in WWII

AUTHOR: Blake Burton

DATE OF LESSON: Tuesday, Week 2

LENGTH OF LESSON: 45 minutes

NAME OF COURSE: World History

SOURCE OF THE LESSON: text book (McDougall Littell, World History: Patterns of Interaction)

TEKS ADDRESSED: World History (10)  History. The student understands the influence of significant individuals of the 20th century. The student is expected to: (A)  analyze the influence of significant individuals such as Winston Churchill, Adolf Hitler, Vladimir Lenin, Mao Zedong, and Woodrow Wilson on political events of the 20th century

CONCEPT STATEMENT: There are many influential people in WWII that helped shape the history of the war. The student should identify the influential people and discuss what their importance was to the war.  The student should focus on how one person could change the course of a war.

PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: The students will be able to:

  1. Identify and discuss the importance of Adolf Hitler, Mussolini, Churchill, and Eisenhower
  2. Identify the important leaders of Japan and Russia

RESOURCES: text book





Time: ___12

What the Teacher Will Do

Probing Questions

Student Responses

Potential Misconceptions

I will write a quote on the board from one of the influential people in WWII. Many forms of Government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed, it has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time”-Winston Churchill. I will have the class analyze the quote and write a short minute paper over who they think it is and why. This is using CAT 6. We will then go over the quote after everyone is done.

I will introduce the class to the influential people in WWII. I will get the students to take quick notes over this introduction.






-Emperor Hirohito


I want you to think of who this quote is by.

Look at some of the words in the quotes and see if you can find clues.

Does everyone know what to do?

Can you identify the influential person form this quote?

What is the importance of some of these influential people?

How did these people come into power?

Is it Hitler?

Can you help us?

How long do we write the paper?

The students might know much information on some of the influential people.




Time: _18_______

What the Teacher Will Do

Probing Questions

Student Responses

Potential Misconceptions

I will divide the class into 6 groups for a mini project. The project will involve each member of the group having an influential person and creating a poster displaying pictures, important events, etc. The class will be able to use the internet or some of the pictures I have provided for them. The poster should be colorful and informative.

I will tell the students that this poster should have enough information on it that would help identify the influential person to someone who had no idea who they were.

How many things need to be on the poster?

Can we draw on the poster?

Can we use pictures from the internet?




Time: _10

What the Teacher Will Do

Probing Questions

Student Responses

Potential Misconceptions

Each student will explain their influential person to the rest of their group. The rest of the group will need to be able to answer these questions from the information provided by their fellow students.

When did they come into power?

How did they come into power?

How long was the person in power?

How would you describe the physical appearance of the person?

Was the person involved in military?




Time: ____5____

What the Teacher Will Do

Probing Questions

Student Responses

Potential Misconceptions

The students will be asked to relate these influential people to one another. The students can talk among themselves over these questions. I will tell the students these could possibly be bonus questions in the future.

How are these people the same?

What are the differences of these people?

How did people respond to them?

Students might have trouble relating the influential people.




Time: ________

What the Teacher Will Do

Probing Questions

Student Responses

Potential Misconceptions

The evaluation of the students will be looking at their posters and making sure they have the information that I specified in the explanation. Also the students need to turn in the paper that they wrote the information over the other influential people in their group.