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Portrayal of History in Film

Selena Cruz, Blake Burton, Rusty Aki

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TITLE OF THE LESSON: Society and Dress during WWII

AUTHOR: Selena Cruz

DATE OF LESSON: Wednesday, Week 1

LENGTH OF LESSON: 45 minutes

NAME OF COURSE: World History

SOURCE OF THE LESSON: World History Patterns of Interaction – McDougal Littell, Classroom Assessment Techniques:  A handbook for college teachers



20E- identify the impact of popular American culture on the rest of the world.

21D- identify the political, social, and economic contributions of women to American society

24B- analyze information by sequencing, categorizing, identifying cause-and-effect relationships, comparing, contrasting, finding the main idea, summarizing, making generalizations and predictions, and drawing inferences and conclusions;


21A- analyze the specific roles of women, children, and families in different historical cultures

CONCEPT STATEMENT: It is important to know what society was like during the WWII period because it is important to know what kind of ideas were going around.  Knowing this will give students more of an inside look to why the war occurred and how different people felt about the war.  They will learn the war from most different aspects and point of views. The student's project will be to be find out if movies are portraying these ideals accurately.  By learning what type of dress was worn during WWII students will better be able to identify if certain movies are accurately depicting the time period.



  1. Compare and Contrast different societies in different countries opinions on WWII.
  2. Discuss why not every society was for the war.
  3. Distinguish different countries and their societies based on dress, political opinions, and living.
  4. Identify what type of dress was worn during the WWII period in different countries.

RESOURCES: Pen or pencil, and Opinion Poll

Students will work in groups of about 4

SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS: No real significant concerns




Time: ____5_minutes___

What the Teacher Will Do

Probing Questions

Student Responses

Potential Misconceptions

Start out by asking students what movies they believe are accurate history.  Then I will tell them different WWII movies and find out if they've seen them and if they have I will ask them which movies they feel portray WWII accurately.  I will then give them an opinion poll (CAT 28) with a list of movies and have them check off which they think are accurate.  I will then find out how much explanation they need of the history.

What movies have you seen that portray history accurately?

Which of these WWII movies do you think is portrayed accurately?

Students will answer which movies they feel are accurate history. 

Students will take the opinion poll and then hand it in to me.




Time: ___15_minutes__

What the Teacher Will Do

Probing Questions

Student Responses

Potential Misconceptions

Now I'm going to have you get into groups of about 3 or 4 and  read up on the different societies of each country that are involved in the war.  You will find out all about these countries from their dress to their political opinions. Each of you in the group is responsible for learning all you can about one particular country. Afterward you will be responsible for teaching that country to another group that you will be assigned.

Does anyone have any questions?

While they work on this in groups I will walk around and answer any questions they have.

Does anyone have any questions?

Does anyone need help getting started?

Students may want to know which countries they are responsible for learning and teaching.




Time: ____10_minutes___

What the Teacher Will Do

Probing Questions

Student Responses

Potential Misconceptions

Will have students get into different groups and teach these groups about their assigned country. I will take note of how well the students teach their country to the different groups. Then, I will have written the names of the societies on the board and as a class students will call out to me what characteristics they found about each society.

Students will tell what each of the groups came up with and I will make sure students are identifying each society right.

How did the people in Germany feel about the war?

How did the people in the United States feel about the war?

What type of uniforms did United States soldiers wear?

Students will answer aloud in their groups several questions like these that are on their work sheet.




Time: ____10_minutes___

What the Teacher Will Do

Probing Questions

Student Responses

Potential Misconceptions

Will go into further discussion of the societies.  I will ask the students to compare and contrast different countries societies I will ask them why they think soldiers dressed the way they did.  I will control the discussion.. 

What were the Russian peoples opinions compared to the United States opinions on the war?

Why do you think the United States soldiers dressed the way they did?

May be hard at first to think of differences. 

Will have to think critically about why people dress the way they do.




Time: ____5 minutes____

What the Teacher Will Do

Probing Questions

Student Responses

Potential Misconceptions

Will have the students write down on a piece of paper a first person account of someone in their assigned country during WWII.  I will watch as they write their first person accounts and then they will turn them into me.

If you were an American during WWII, how would you react to the war?

What would your life most likely be like at your age and what would you be wearing?

How would you be affected?

Students will want to know how long the first person account has to be.