Bilingual Education Student Organization

B.E.S.O. or the Bilingual Education Student Organization is a Professional Development organization that was founded at Texas State University on February 20, 1980.  We are affiliated with the Texas Association for Bilingual Education or TABE. 

The purpose of B.E.S.O. is to create opportunities for students to exchange ideas, practices, and information about bilingual education on a local, state, and national level and promoting bilingual-bicultural education.  Our organization makes every effort to develop support groups, to grow professionally, and to serve the local bilingual community through various volunteer activities. Additionally, B.E.S.O. provides a means for recruitment of new Bilingual Education teachers, which is one of the highest-need teaching fields in Texas and throughout the nation.

Members must:
•    Be a Texas State University Student.
•    Interested or majoring in bilingual education.
•    Pay dues by the 3rd meeting ($20), which includes a membership with TABE.
•    Participate in activities as much as possible. 

B.E.S.O Meetings
The B.E.S.O. meetings are conducted in a relaxed atmosphere. Typically B.E.S.O. will have two monthly meetings, which will occur every other week. Our meetings will feature invited speakers from the education sector and they will serve as a forum for the presentation and discussion of different topics such as policy, teaching practices, research, materials development, and lesson ideas. The meetings will also serve as a forum where students can share ideas about Bilingual Education and discuss what works and what does not. Our goal is to build relationships with one another and learn from each other.


For more information contact B.E.S.O. sponsor: Dr. Luz A. Maldonado